ghose ⁂ 👣

Open on

🦥 GotoSocial is in α, expect dragons.

aka @ghose, slowly (pun) moving here.

GL | EN | ES

Trail #runner and 👣 #barefootrunner. I ❤️ #cycling. Early bird 🌅. He/Him.

Traduzo Software Libre ao #galego.

:mastodon: since 2017-10-31 (,



GNU Linux user, Open Hardware and Software, I like programming as a hobby. I love tinkering not only with electronics.

#selfhosted #python #micropython #rust #golang #KiCAD #FreeCAD #LibreCAD #esp32 #floss #photography #aikido #emacs

Lore Birdsong 🦄

(They/Them) • Mindfulness & Self Acceptance Coach • Support Group Facilitator, • Spouse,
• Poet • Storyteller • Myth and folklore-ist • Alchemical Psychology buff
• Geek/Nerd.
• Non-Binary • Grey/Demi-sexual • Gen X

* I support the rights and voices of all people especially; BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, Sex Workers, & Women.*
DMs open.
*No flirting, please.*
Avatar is me with long hair and a trimmed greying beard
Header is an illustration of clouds


Irakaslea Etxepare lizeoan


Usuario de #GNU #Linux #openSUSE, apoyo el #softwarelibre y soy miembro de #KDE España.
También tengo un blog:
Ateo a tiempo completo.


Instituto para la Monitorización Vecinal de Espacios Contaminados.

Formación y acompañamiento en investigaciones ambientales a comunidades afectadas por procesos de contaminación.

Desarrollo y documentación libre y abierta de métodos y herramientas de investigación ambiental accesibles y económicas.

Ponte en contacto con nosotras en si necesitas comenzar una investigación en tu vecindario.



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Roman 🇺🇦

Lives in Kyiv, #Ukraine 🇺🇦
Into #running, #scenictrails 🏃🏻
Technology leadership, management. 👨‍💼
Labrador owner. #dogsofmastadon 🐕
Love cooking. 🍖


mmmm... #galega #horta #rural e cada vez con máis ganas de botarme ao monte. Falo do que lle cadra, e sen moito xeito

electron tamer in training 🍂

Émy or Xana (pronounced as Shana) ♿️
use one of my names as pronoun

28 yo glitched human ⛬ EN/FR speaker (lerne langsam Deutsch)

autistic precarious white disabled trans bi gorl.
cripple punk. compulsive nerd.

⚠️ please notice that even though I'm open to new people, I've social anxiety so if I don't follow you, DM me a short intro of yourself before your follow request plz. :)

my avatar is a glitched pixel art autoportrait, my banner is a cartridge tilting glitched photo of super mario bros


Fotografías de mis #rutas
#momentos #excursiones 👣🐾
Siempre en contacto con la #naturaleza
🌱Plantas medicinales 🌱
💚Consejos de jardinería
🌳#siembravida #plantaunarbol

Catarina Lourenço

Data go brrrrrrr 👩🏻‍💻 @ Galiza. Born and bred in Porto, lived in Lisboa and Dublin 🇪🇺🇵🇹🇪🇸🇮🇪

Toots mainly in Portuguese and English.

Professional interests: #Software #DataEngineering #ML

I care about #climate #walking #urbanism #nature #degrowth #art #scifi #games #dataViz #GIY #galego

Expect the occasional photo of Pancho (JRT) and Leon (GSD), my doggos <3 #AdoptDontShop

Pablo el Peregrino

I'm Pablo. He/his/him/Él. refugee sniffle.

Trilingual English-Español-Català.

I post about my life, pop culture interests, Mariah, Spain, travel, life on the autism spectrum and coping with anxiety and depression.

I resist right-wing fascism like the GOP and PPVOX.

I am happily taken, but my boyfriend hates social media.

Currently in Illinois, Spanish at heart.

Unemployed translator/writer/teacher/Ph.D dropout (recovering academic).

Welcome, bienvenidos, benvinguts, ogni ettori to my world.

Erik C. Thauvin

The Truth is Out There! 👽