ghose ⁂ 👣

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🦥 GotoSocial is in α, expect dragons.

aka @ghose, slowly (pun) moving here.

GL | EN | ES

Trail #runner and 👣 #barefootrunner. I ❤️ #cycling. Early bird 🌅. He/Him.

Traduzo Software Libre ao #galego.

:mastodon: since 2017-10-31 (,



Unha galega da Coruña en Dresden (Alemaña)


Asociación ecopacifista galega sen ánimo de lucro, plural, democrática, apartidaria e independente. Naceu 2 de Abril de 2006 co obxecto de contribuír desde Galiza para a defensa do ambiente e o avanzo na transformación social e mundial en termos de sustentabilidade ecolóxica, xustiza social e paz, na procura dunha saída emancipatoria á crise ecolóxica global.


I like talking to people about the things that interest them. People are interesting! I pick up heavy things and put them back down, and I run when no one is chasing me. Love #books, #knitting, #outdoors, and #baking. And of course Cats.

Happy to shout virtual moral support in your direction.

Header: a road sign leaning by a tired looking wooden fence in the middle of a hay field.
Profile: assorted stickers on a metal surface

O Marc :verified:

📚 Profesor de Lingua e literatura galega
🏛️Estudo Historia. Masoquismo ilustrado
🎽Compaxino tríatlon e birras 🏊🚴🏃🍻
🎼Atentados acústicos coa 🎸e o 🎹
💙Son do Dépor. Non me gusta o fútbol
🧔Karl e Alfonso Daniel tiñan razón
👤Mutatis mutandis


AKA Zenkiuberimach


Running. A little cycling. Coffee. Plant based 🌱


I live in Northern California in the Sierra Nevada foothills. 
I love trail running, ultramarathons, travel, outdoors, knitting. I can talk endlessly about NA beer and wildland fire. 

2023- Run Rabbit Run 100
2024- Black Canyon 100k, Sedona Canyons 125


My dog’s name is Evie.
Training for a 10K ☑️ and 1/2 Marathon. #running #peloton #dogsofmastodon


Back from the dead!

I'm from the 70s. I like going off trail. I'm married. I'm a Buddhist of the generic Mahayana variety some Chan some Zen. I have ancestors from Puerto Rico but I'm not Hispanic. I have ancestors from the Seneca nation but I'm not indigenous. I have ancestors from Ireland and France but I'm not European. I've never been to the place I was born. The borderlands are my home.


GNU Linux user, Open Hardware and Software, I like programming as a hobby. I love tinkering not only with electronics.

#selfhosted #python #micropython #rust #golang #KiCAD #FreeCAD #LibreCAD #esp32 #floss #photography #aikido #emacs