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Sysnetadmin / Amateur radio / Telecom at large scale for a living.

Mostly random things, music, tech, ...

I've been on the fediverse forever, but now just hosting that single user instance...


Charlie Kruse

Born October 20 1950,I live in Cincinnati.I stand with Ukraine


I love drag, wealth redistribution, bops, and retro gaming. Non-binary, AuDHD, and kind of a bitch. My opinions are always improving.

Christophe Lauer

Créature d’Entreprise. MarTech BU manager @ Clever Age Paris

Anne Erickson

Radio host on Detroit's WRIF. Also, musician, podcast host, author and metal lover.

Annoying ppl since 85 :nkolul:

What my handle says.


generally confused

My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see

#NoBot #NoBots

🏴 Greg Sideyr :nonbinary_heart:​

Greg, from Georgia.

i'm a #NetworkEngineer, starting in the AF, and the last few years working for manufacturing and distribution companies, but currently moving to healthcare. i like music, i'm a #parent, and i'm #adhd af. i start all kinds of fun and interesting projects, and promptly forget them.

dragonage stole my name

#GregTunes for daily (or more than daily) songs
#GregBooks for the books I read

#sff #punk #altcountry #networking #neteng #diy #audiodrama #podcasts #music #AthensGA #bbq #AtlantaHockey #tattoos #nonbinary #TransRights #gin #ginfosec #genealogy #colorblind #WorldOfWarcraft #kayaking (mostly #flatwater, some #whitewater) #photography #astrophotography

tiddy roOoOosevelt 👻

Photographer, model, and intellectual (non-practicing). Pronouns are they/them. 🔞

Find me on OnlyFans at

Where to find me on the web:
bsky: / tiktok, discord: / twitter: ducksfyi

#nobot #noindex


Mathematics Ph.D. Likes hanging out with almost everyone regardless of political views or anything else.

Akkoma: @ML2

Alexander Bochmann

generic computer and internetworking geek

network and systems administration, infosec, retrocomputing

#nobot #noindex

Mike T

I make weird stuff and I want to show it to you.

Project Director of Among Us VR plus a bunch of stuff I wished you cared more about.

La Mouette :verified:

Des formats ouverts dans une bureautique libre ! - Nous sommes la plus grande association francophone pour la bureautique libre sur ordi, web et mobile 🤗