Ivan Enderlin 🦀 hywan@fosstodon.org

Open on fosstodon.org

🌱 Ecologist
🕸 WebAssembly polyglot
:ferris: Rust nerd
👾 Hacker
🎓 PhD Computer Scientist
🤲 Open source lover
🙈 Parser, compiler, low-level, binding, VM/runtime, Web, home automation, embedded…
🚀 R&D Element/Matrix, the decentralized, end-to-end encrypted, open source network
📜 Formerly Wasmer (WebAssembly runtime), Automattic, fruux, Mozilla (Firefox)…
🏠 Living in the stack, in a weird ABI, lost in FFI land


Maximilian Hils @max@fedi.hi.ls

mitmproxy developer, staff eng. at AppCensus. TLS, web, networks, and open source.