Julian j_r@social.jugendhacker.de
Stefan @stefan@social.anoxinon.de
:debian: :anxde: :xmpp:
😻 Martina Freundorfer ✅ @martl@chaos.social
Teacher for Computer Science and Mathematics in Berlin.
Diplom-Informatikerin (FH) &
Langstreckenliebhaberin & Katzenmama
blitter @blitter@chaos.social
J I @Einzigartiger@chaos.social
Fahrradfahrer, Hobbygenealoge, Hobbyknipser, Hobbykoch, Informatiker.
183231bcb @183231bcb@transfem.social
My previous instance shut down without warning so I'm rebuilding all my connections. That means new bio time!
Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a #queer #mathematician. I'm also a #webcomic and #musical theater enthusiast. I am #AroAce #Trans and #Enby.
Description of avatar: A four by four grid of colored squares, purple, gray, pink, and green.
Original text and images I post here are public domain unless otherwise stated. Anything I share that I didn't write or draw probably isn't.
Old accounts:
@183231bcb@firefish.lgbt (2023-07-19 to 2023-08-22)
@183231bcb@calckey.lgbt (2023-05-29 to 2023-07-20)
@183231bcb@mstdn.social (2020-08-29 to 2023-06-17)
Thomas Schäfer @tschaefer@ipv6.social
A̶ ̶R̶e̶s̶o̶u̶r̶c̶e̶ ̶R̶e̶c̶o̶r̶d̶
AAAA Resource Record
@lan @lan@mastodon.de
BenBen @BenBen@chaos.social
I'm quite bad at self-marketing.
oncoming @oncoming@mastodon.social
Cegorach @drazraeltod@chaos.social
Typ mit viel Meinung.
Nicht interessiert, aber das auf hohem Niveau.
Ich bin ja kein Nazi, aber... ...ich wohne trotzdem gerne in Dresden.
:antifa: @frommMoritz@chaos.social
:antifa:, :pansexual_flag:, #linux, #Floss und @fridaysforfutureerfurt
Don di Dislessia (Moderatore) @favstarmafia@bildung.social
:fediverse: Fan
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