jason jason@social.walljm.com

Open on social.walljm.com

christian, autodidact, photographer, sometime poet, sometime philosopher, software developer, infp, recovering dreamer.


Chris P. :trek_ds9_sisko:#1️⃣ @b4ux1t3@hachyderm.io

Software Developer, dad, animal person. Maybe not in that order? #opensource


Bernard Liotier @bernardliotier@h4.io

... we all have the capacity to feel the energetic presence of a tree beyond the trunk for several meters as well as other energy points in & out of cities, by this gesture we grow our relationship to the world we live in... & a complicity can begin...
#energy #énergie #nature #arbre #tree #arbres #trees #bordeaux

zaphar @zaphar@social.zaphar.net

Used to be zaphar on the Blue Bird site. Still zaphar but on the #fediverse instead.

Christian, Geek/Nerd, Avid Reader, and Coder.


T.J. Barbour @tjbarbour@mas.to

Deputy Director at @VAEinc
dotnet / JS / web / UX y más
Fan of Animation, @padres, Proud Father & JW.org
Posts are my own


Terry Grundy, FRSA @terrygrundy@mas.to

Teacher, Citizen, Urbanist, Friend

Terry Grundy teaches university-level courses on ethics, social justice, and intellectual history. A passionate lover of great cities, he’s a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a member of the Cambridge Union Society and the Fabian Society.

Avatar: A targe argent. On a cross engrailed gules between four lions passant guardant gules five martlets or.