Jozef Mlich

Open on

Works as developer in GreyCortex. Studied at FIT VUT Brno.

Volunteers on OpenAlt Conference. Contributes to various open source projects. Flies with microlight airplanes. Interested about alternative mobile operating systems such as Nemomobile, Ubuntu Touch, or postmarketOS.


Michal Hrušecký

#opensource enthusiast living in Prague who likes to play with #SBC (#ARM and #RISCV), uses and contributes to #openSUSE :geeko: and currently works on #Turris :turris:. Apart from that #sysadmin loving #saltstack and C/C++ #programmer.

Additional hashtags for #fedi22 or #fedi23 and #tootfinder: #linux #foss #floss #opensource searchable tfr