James Morris jmorris@social.kernel.org

Open on social.kernel.org
Linux Kernel security developer, working for Microsoft. Also W7TXT. Views are my own.
Topics: #Linux #kernel #security, #amateurradio, #RF, #hamradio, #electronics, #science, #radioastronomy, #physics, #space, #arduino.


Neil Darlow :gotosocial: :silverblue: :xmpp: @neil@fedi.darlow.co.uk

Electronics and Software Design engineer. Free Software advocate and long-time GNU/Linux user.

Likes 3D Printing, Electronics, GNU/Linux, Programming, Self-hosting and System Administration.

I have gender and political views but I will not be expressing them on this platform.

#archlinuxarm #biqu #c #cplusplus #cura #fedora #flsun #freebsd #freecad #gnome #kicad #libreoffice #linux #markdown #marlinfirmware #platformio #prusaslicer #rust #silverblue #vscodium #xmpp

Xabi @kaixo@ap.xabirequejo.eus

#Multilingual. Filter by language and you'll be fine • Lacks social skills • Often bugs devs to enable #localisation on their software • Enjoys taking pictures and loves swimming • #AmateurRadio operator

Joshua Purba :comfysip: @jo@gts.zzncx.top

Software engineer, electronics hobbyist.
#programming #java #electronics #arduino #fedi22 #nobot #noindex
Other accounts: @jo, @jo, and @jo