Katherine katherine@lesbian.solutions

Open on lesbian.solutions

Hiya, I’m Katherine! I pretend to be cool and funny on the internet. I don't really post much anymore, but when I do they suck lol.

I'm really bad at like... talking to people, sorry if i don't interact with your reply.

I am a communist. Please be normal to me about this.

I occasionally boost sexual content, I won't accept your follow request if you're a minor.


DysphoricUnicorn🪿 @dysphoricunicorn@fedi.dysphoric.space

Very queer (relationship) anarchist tech worker who also has interests that don't involve their work.

You can read my blog posts on dysphoric.dev, if that sounds like your jam.

I am somewhat selective in which follow requests I accept, please have at least a bio or be mutuals with someone I know before sending a request.

Pronouns: they/them, she/her or nin/nins

Image descriptions:
Profile picture: A Sims 4 character with pink and purple hair taking a selfie in front of a progress pride flag.
Header image: A Gracht in Amsterdam during the evening. There's multiple sight seeing boats visible. The picture is heavily edited to give the water a beautiful blue tint and boost the effect the street lights have on their surroundings.

Moved to @loki@sleeping.town @loki@goto.hellsite.site


Hey there. You all know me, You all love me~
In case you don't though I'm Loki~! The tilde ("~" <- this guy!) is important!

I'm your local neigh-baah-hood non-binary sheep! I make coffee and sometimes I get off my stinky butt and do something productive! Like Painting models or being gay as fuck.

If you asterisk at me without asking you will learn what rapid decompression feels like.

This space is going to be arbitrarily nsfw so minors, kindly, fuck off. That goes for chasers and bots too. Not welcome here. Away with you, HARLOTS!