Emma Mangold lilianalytic@catcatnya.com

Open on catcatnya.com

Hii, I'm Liliana, your genderfluid friend :D

I love maths and physics, especially algebraic topology related stuff :D
Also I like games, especially pen & paper RPGs.

This account is exclusively for non-horny stuff and people of all ages are encouraged to follow. If you are interested in my horny account, feel free to dm me :)

properties: white, trans, neurospicy, poly, anarchist

A Kiwara is ka Hawara.

profile picture:
Green background with pink lines. It is a circle with a regular triangle inscribed inside which is another circle and then a square. This continues with regular n-gons ad infinitum, every step increasing n by 1.

Header image:
Green background with random pink lines.
