J.P. Wing machias@hachyderm.io

Open on hachyderm.io

Just a guy with a husband.
Instrument Rated Private Pilot.
Storm Chasing. Weather. Space.
Retro Computing.
Linux. UNIX. Apple.

#StarTrek #StormChaser #aviation #space #weather #WetShaving #Linux #nobot

For those wanting to follow my blogs via Fediverse:
@jpnearl (Personal)
@jpnearl (POS)



Magnus Hedemark @magnus@gts.groktop.us

(he/him) Raleigh, North Carolina [USA] Openly #neurodiversesquad #ActuallyAutistic tech executive. Currently: CEO at Groktopus. Formerly: Genius Within CIC (CIO), Gap Inc, Optum, Red Hat, IBM.