Michael michaelsage@infosec.exchange

Open on infosec.exchange

I'm a technologist for #localgov during the day. A transformation enthusiast moving things forward to make residents and staffs lives better.

Bipolar, married and dad of 3, watching #movies, #scifi and love #goodfood and #coffee.

#smarthome, #nfc, #uvprinting #lego, #modelrailways, actual railways geek.

Constantly learning, technology (#3Dprinting, #drones, #selfhosting, #homeasistant, #photography, #drones, #infosec) and socially, to be a better ally to those who aren't as fortunate as me.


theliberatededge @the_liberated_edge@gts.theliberatededge.org

This is the Mastodon/GoToSocial profile of The Liberated Edge. Here we discuss self hosting, technology, open source (everything), software engineering, and digital liberation.