Micheal :devterm: micheal@social.ecliptik.com

Open on social.ecliptik.com

Husband and father working in cloud ☁️ operations by day and hacking on keyboards ⌨️, Raspberry Pis :raspberrypi:, *nix-like operating sysytems :freebsd: :openbsd: :debian: :linux: by night.


/usr/bin/felsqualle @felsqualle@corteximplant.com

ScummVM co-lead and always looking for an adventure. Interested in video game preservation for future generations. Snapcraft.io enthusiast.

Header: "Ukraine. Flag colors" by carefulweb is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab @djsundog@toot-lab.reclaim.technology

Trying to break things that need breaking, deliberately and after much reflection, make things in a likewise manner, and generally reshape the various worlds I inhabit to be slightly more habitable.

into music, retrocomputing, people, caring, and thinking.

dislike capitalism, cryptocurrency, terfs, nazis, fascists, racists, & edgelords.

Feel free to ask questions. I will not always answer.

My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Steve Lord @stevelord@bladerunner.social

I make things. Mistakes, mostly. Seeking optimistic visions of the future while living in the now. Federation ambassador. 9x Developer. Hacking stats and markets. Big fan of non-capitalist spaces.

Follows welcome but have an avatar, bio and own public posts. Posts licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, delete after 1 week. #nobot #noindex #noarchive #noscrape

Header image: Nausicaa of the valley of the wind is in her deadly plant garden, saying, "The pollution lies in the earth itself"

Jonathan Lamothe @me@social.jlamothe.net

Programmer and free/libre software enthusiast. This is my primary account on the Fediverse. See my website for an authoritative list of accounts.

vga256 @vga256@dialup.cafe

indigenous canadian, recovering academic → game dev → interactive media artist with a penchant for dial-up modems, the 4o3 bbs scene, 1-bit art, trackers/mods, classic macs, and 80s and 90s gaming. curator of internet, canadian & gaming obscura.

#nobot #nobots #noindex
(profile pic image description: a low resolution pixel art interpretation of Denver, The Last Dinosaur)

lee @exquisitecorp@merveilles.town

artist, educator, programmer, learner, traveler, eater, biker, reader, writer, musician.
Please interact or introduce yourself before 'following'. Thanks

~chiptune @chiptune@tilde.zone

infinity reduced to not much

Joel :void: :casio: @joel@fosstodon.org

Tech, Android & FOSS enthusiast, sometimes contributor.

Mexican 🇲🇽, studying Mechatronics Engineering 🤖, gamedev wannabe 🕹. A bit of a customization freak. 🎨

PSP is the best emulator, Chrono Trigger is my favorite game, I solve a Rubik's cube in ~15 seconds, I like #origami too. Christian ✝️

Alt account @joel
Alt, Spanish speaking account: @jojoy

:void: :neovim: :androidalt: :firefox: :suckless: :rss: :casio:

donut ☁️ :thonking: @wholesomedonut@fosstodon.org

IT guy. Former admin of #Fedicraft. I guess I can code stuff too.

I believe that all things should be done in balance, and all tools must be used with judgement and skill, for the betterment of yourself and your community, and the benefit of the world.

"Therefore, be ye as wise as serpents and yet without sin; and I will order all things for your good, as fast as ye are able to receive them."

Tomáš @prahou@merveilles.town

surrealist; low_res artist; follower of the machine spirit

previously on #unix_surrealism:

'the machine bleeds dithered monochrome'

cat K. @cat@b4udw3rk5.com

Australien cryptid, techno-animist, pacifist, phone phreak, catastronaut, music hyperconsumer, Gopher protocol supremacist & crowned King of the Cats.

(avatar by Jade Treyssède, used without permission)

Meidam @meidam@mastodontech.de

Full Stack web developer and Fedora Linux and Doom Emacs user