Micheal :devterm: micheal@social.ecliptik.com

Open on social.ecliptik.com

Husband and father working in cloud ☁️ operations by day and hacking on keyboards ⌨️, Raspberry Pis :raspberrypi:, *nix-like operating sysytems :freebsd: :openbsd: :debian: :linux: by night.


Edenwaith @edenwaith@mastodon.gamedev.place

Software + Bread Artisan. Sierra On-Line + Playdate games. Renewable energy. Sarcasm + cynicism.

sirhc @sirhc@hachyderm.io

dsyates :debian: :arch: :vim: @dsyates@fosstodon.org

Just an old linux user

apfel @apfel@ruhr.social


Scott Leggett :fedi: :golang: @smlx@fosstodon.org

Free software and cloud wrangler. Security Engineer at amazee.io.

David Buck @Djbuck@social.tedium.co

Writer/musician in Colorado

tonywarriner @tonywarriner@mastodonapp.uk

Game dev, writer, ideas.

Co-founder Revolution Software.

Making new action-adventure entitled - Wormhole Dungeon!

Wrote this book -https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tonywarriner/revolution-the-quest-for-game-development-greatness

Buy it here - https://tonywarriner.gumroad.com/

Micheal :freebsd_logo: @ecliptik@hachyderm.io

Cloud Engineer working with #aws #gcp #kubernetes #devops and #linux.

This account is for professional and industry engagement. I run a personal fediverse instance focused more on hobbies at https://social.ecliptik.com/

WhileyDave :ferris: @WhileyDave@hachyderm.io

Author of the Whiley Programming Language. Interested in Programming Languages, Formal Verification and Compilers. Researcher in Smart Contracts @ConsenSys.

Luc :broken_camera: @45H@mamot.fr

I’m pretty sure I am. Who or what, though, is an open matter.

Mostly posting in English, mais vous n’êtes pas à l’abri que je vous écrive en français. On n’est jamais à l’abri de rien, d’ailleurs.

Interested in #tech: networks, #software development, #InfoSec. I love random numbers, patterns and Pi. My first computer was a #ZX81.

Also fond of #FountainPens, #reading and #writing, among other things. Plus I happen to like people, so please say hello!

Sometimes I wonder: where is #JessicaHyde?

Daniel Bolgheroni @dbolgheroni@hachyderm.io

bbbhltz @bbbhltz@framapiaf.org

"Pretty soon, the hippies of today will be the squares of tomorrow." —Buck 65

Professor who listens to music and likes somewhat geeky things | Fan de musique et prof de grandes écoles qui aime les trucs un peu geeky

#foss #rouen
#novascotia #openstreetmap