Many Colors, Maybe Moved

Open on

Many things to many creatures. Previously main.

:transgender_flag: trans | shapeshifter | :therian: therian | girl | pendorian | :pansexual_flag: pan | :polyamory_flag: poly | relationship anarchist | kobold | brony | furry | sub | masochist | switch | 🦀 rustacean | sex positive | neurodivergent | unapologetically weird | ✨ flagrantly everything

The pandemic is not over.

This account is deprecated (since 2023-02-17). See instead my current main.


lawa pi ijo kiwen selo

Main: 🔞
One admin of Hostage of the @dawn. We tend to the garden attached to the dollhouse, and its arthropod residents. Always using the Royal We.

Watch your step.

DM me a ✨ emoji if you follow request.

#EmptySpaces #MicroFiction #FaeBullshit

:swordhalo: ijo pi sewi suno :witchhat:

the doll that holds the key; the witch that speaks the door into the world; the angel who steps through it. @viscountexx's kidnapper

#EmptySpaces #NotAPerson

(traumaqueer witchery and kink content. heed CWs and take care of your mental health. i am an admin of this instance but am not speaking as one here.)