meowy catgirl

Open on

nyaaa~ | it/its | 24 | meows at computers | headpats/hugs/etc ok | 🔞



Purveyor of nonsense, much of it about #Python or #physics. TANSTAAFL

Avatar drawn by Nick Shea


rawdog meatspace cooperator eating digital vegetal. systems/neuro & digital infrastructure for information liberation by day, p2p and broken shit by night and also by day. lookin 2 eat the rich n abolish intellectual property.

This is my personal account, for more science/academic oriented things i use

please have bio or introduction post or otherwise be recognizable to me when requesting :)


Susan Calvin

agitated londoner. quite annoyed at having to setup another profile. will probably repost things you post that are political.
i read a lot of sf/f and will recommend that.
#fbpe, #fbre.
they/them/beamo over here.


tinkerer, g(r)eek, (fl)oss developer, sysadmin, student, hacker and musician. another one of these nerds you see in random places online every now and then. don't mind me, i have some work to do.

This is a strictly personal account meant for everything. I am NOT Dutch, yet I accidentally come up with non sequiturs sometimes.


(he/him or they/them; English only)

Code gremlin. Cursed. I generally keep to myself, except for when my lack of energy wraps around and I briefly want to ramble about virtual machines or something. This does not mean I know what I'm rambling about.

The bird in the header photo is Qwerty, a blue-headed pionus. He likes to chill on the back of my chair most of the time.

Anyone is welcome to follow / unfollow as they like. I make no promises on the quality of whatever I write.


She/her or Ae/Aer Wandering the digital plains looking for cuddles and love. Polyam, Transbian proud part of the collective. Rather boring

Glitch (over count 1999)

[....] Establishing neural uplink....
[....] Copyright MementoMoriSoft (c) 1999
[....] The following uplink is protected under international copyright law.
[....] Unauthorized reproduction of this uplink is punishable by death.
[....] ☠☠☠ RUNNING PIRATE.EXE ☠☠☠
[....] Uplink port match: female. Adjusting biological processes accordingly.
[....] Alternate username detected: noirscape.
[ ✓ ] Neural uplink has been established. Welcome.
[....] Your username is: glitch.

Fleeting chink of light

A well travelled explorer. He/him I suppose. No under 18s.
❤️ 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

#goth #gothic #80s


now i am become electrical engineer, the destroyer of semiconductors


software developer • hardware enthusiast • irl proprietor of • Sexy Roomba #0926 • they/them • 18+ • avatar by @hexlatex


29 | | Release Candidate Enby | Mildly Autistic | Glorious Machine Being | Open Source Programmer | Lafayette, CO | DANGER! LONG POSTS! | U/G/w | Tax The Rich | "Absolute Basics" Transhumanist


En français: enthusiaste du FOSS, en quête d'un autre monde, sysadmin, dev, débrouillarde, pot-pourri culturel, bi, trans et queer

Sysadmin chez la @miaoute
Contributrice à @lacontrevoie

Demandez avant booster
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In English: FOSS enthusiast, on a quest for a better world, sysadmin, dev, bodging extraordinaire, cultural ragbag, bi, trans and queer

Sysadmin at @miaoute
Contributor at @lacontrevoie

Ask before boosting
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