meowy catgirl

Open on

nyaaa~ | it/its | 24 | meows at computers | headpats/hugs/etc ok | 🔞



Hugger of BLÅHAJ, Cert Slayer, Trans, nerdy about computer stuff.

malevolent dictator for life

pls have a bio, pfp, and a few posts before following

thot leader, CEO of
your favorite fedi microinfluenza, #1 ad girl for the fediverse
i use :nixOwOs: btw
very gay for @alia
ultra genius inventor of advanced AI @catgpt

due to large volume of follow requests I'm very slow to respond, pls be patient. all requests are subject to a Vibe Check as described in RFC ■■■■

"Astrid always surprises me with her ability to come up with innovative and novel ways to be gay." --
"pwns systems and makes makes them do her bidding" --
"like, 10 shitposters in a trenchcoat" --
"sleeper based timeline contributor" --
"nyanyanyaaaa nyanya nyanya nyanya miaou mewmewmew miaumiau" --
"This bitch be like "nya uwu" and gets front page on HN twice. Desperately needs fluffy ears and a tail." --
"unlikely to spontaneously combust" --, who is clearly not an expert on spontaneous combustion
"all the other testimonials included here were bought from fake reviewers as a part of some type of slimey social SEO scheme" --

opinions obviously do not reflect those of my employer, what the hell were you thinking???


[MOVED] :baba_enya: $ Enya10🔥 | :therian: & :cat_is_blob_and_trans:

You better read my full bio, grrrr.
Queer plural collective of catgirls :3

Hi, thanks for stumbling upon our profile, only weird people and non-people follow us.
Enya is our system name, for individual headmates' names/pronouns, go to

Trans 🏳️‍⚧️ Feral Anticar Catgirls.
Neurodivergent, Anarchist, creature, with shit memory.

Born in the corn, escaped to the city.
Computer booper, linux user, microsoft hater, bike commuter, label collector, and serial long-bio writer.
Unwalkable cities are dog-girl-phobic.
Busy kissing transbian cyclists in a dumpster near an abandoned rustbelt amshack.

Lemme know if something is missing a CW, Alt text, or something accessibility related. Don't be afraid to dm me if you are concerned about something.

My friends include folk with weird queer identities, endogenic plural systems, otherkin, and more. If you can't respect people with weird identities then you're probably in the wrong place and should find someone else to follow.

If you like to talk about Web3 / Crypto-currency / NFTs, then please don't follow us, i dont wanna see that.

You **MUST** meow/nya before following, we are being serious. You may put your own spin on it with a different fun noise but we expect a DM with *some*thing before following as proof you read our bio and we'd prefer it to be something fun & silly :3
NOTE to PLEROMA users: I've been sent a DM before that was never delivered because it was sent with Pleroma's chat feature. If you use Pleroma, make sure you are writing a post with DM visibility selected, not DM'ing me on the Pleroma chat feature.

Fedizen since April 2022.
:celtransheart: :pansexual_flag: :lesbian_flag: :nonbinary_flag: :polyam_flag: :aromantic_flag: :asexual_flag: :celtransheart:


catgirl shaped object (it)
✧ live by the sword, die by the sword
✧ follows no-first-use policy
✧ only operates at full capacity within Command Gestalt

Ryan Makes, Dreamscaper

Building a better world together <3
:opensource: :openhardware: :qubes: :ethereum: :polyamory_flag: :arduino: :GrapheneOS: ‽

:fosstodon: Personal account here NSFW

Toronto people: I hold a weekly build-a-better-world discussion and you should attend!

Office hours Wed 1-5pm et

#Toronto #FLOSS #FOSS #Linux #robots #governance #security #QubesOS #English #nsfw #cosplay #revolution #philosophy #science #love #games #3Dprinting



Jayne, three rainbows in a trenchcoat

Queer engineer w/ bg in computer vision, automation, embedded systems, and thermostat programming. Leaked out of grad school and Google w/ two startups & a new gender in between. Gay and tired but alive :flag_transgender: :flag_nonbinary: :flag_rainbow: "It's just a switch"

I like/star a lot of things; though contextually it may mean anything from agreed to you have my sympathies. Existence is hard, keep up the good work ⭐

jacqueline 🌟

she/they. i'm gay.


Hi, I'm Beth. I'm a #queer #mathematician. I'm also a #webcomic and #musical theater enthusiast. I am #AroAce #Trans and #Enby.

Description of avatar: A four by four grid of colored squares, purple, gray, pink, and green.

Original text and images I post here are public domain unless otherwise stated. Anything I share that I didn't write or draw probably isn't.


that's right, my instance died again, and it was actually not my fault this time

it/she |

Tim (Wadhwa-)Brown :donor:

push(@fediverse, "Adversarial Engineer"); # i hack in Perl

#risk, #unix, #cisco, #security, #dataanalytics