meowy catgirl

Open on

nyaaa~ | it/its | 24 | meows at computers | headpats/hugs/etc ok | 🔞



Electrical Engineer in the Santa Cruz area. Lapsed KSP modder. Non car-owner. Interested in electronics and space. Does not know what a monad is. My views represent those of your employer. Header art by John Berkey.

Ray—Golden Retriever Whisperer—🔝Insights

#ADHD—3270x Software Engineer—HLASM/C/Rexx/COBOL/PLI/more, learning Go—IBM zSystems Evangelism aaS, IBM Z Champion—BS2000/OSD—Dad of 3 Golden Retrievers—SHARE LANG Project Manager and Editorial Advisory Committee—Bacon Number™ of 3—he/il/él/er


magical girl from another dimension • tired and frustrated • interested in technology, philosophy, astronomy, cosmology, and more • computer enthusiast and programmer • interested in low level and embedded development

Midnight Starr

I host a show called "Music From the Goddess' Vault". Which plays a lot of #Music and has a lot of #pagan related information on it. I don't mind if you suggest a topic for the show, #song, spirit guide, or dream symbol. I am also from #Canada.
You can also subscribe to my newsletter, if you want to be the first to listen to new shows. You can be a fan at, my me coffee at


Huge techno dweeb and amateur Linux enthusiast

Lover of cheap tacos, long walks on the beach at sunset, and all things baseball

#LetsGoPadres #LFGSD #PadresMastodon


Previously an Electrical Engineer, Service Account Manager of the year, Engineering team manager and other crimes... Come for sarcasm, get cats and hugs...


Hardware Developer

Technical Writer

Mainly making things that make music.

just adrienne

"I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free."
- Eugene V. Debs


eternally tired. | she/her | 日本語OK。

Site Reliability Enby🏳️‍⚧️🏁🔦📈🐺👗😷

SRE, ex-{sys,cis}admin | 🏳️‍⚧️they/she | 🇬🇧 in 🇺🇸 | AuDHD, chronic pain | abuse survivor | transfemme transhumanist | wolfgirl of WSB | tech | engineering | infosec | finance (swing trading, investing, and degenerate gambling) | vehicle enjoyer | motorsports fan (mostly F1 / LH44) | shitposting

Tired of hiding and waiting, making up for wasted decades.

:flag_nonbinary: :heart_nb: :autism: :blobpatwolf:


Archsorceress of the deepest low end :yell:

Mistress of the moon and all her lovers :heart_lesbian:

Architect of beauty and madness :meowIdea:

Artificer of machines not even the gods would dream to create :engiqueer:

My art will shatter the ground upon which you stand :blob_anar_raccoon_flamethrower:

Mildly megalomaniac :meowShrugSmirk:

"Very based and gong pilled"

Follow requests welcome, but not necessarily accepted. Feel free to say meowdy! :meowthumbsup:


Java & Minecraft plugin developer. (9 years)

Love all things tech.

I currently work at Spark Universe, and volunteer at the Shotbow Network.

Opinions my own.