William Oldwin oldwinsome@sparingly.social

Open on sparingly.social

Futilitarian philosophaster.


Radical_EgoCom @Radical_EgoCom@kolektiva.social

Sam J Sharpe @SamJSharpe@mastodon.me.uk

Cloud Botherer / Data Wrangler. He/Him. Also https://twitter.com/SamJSharpe

faried nawaz @fn@p.node.pk


MrBadger42 @mrbadger42@mastodon.world

I am a writer. I dream for my world. Retired SW/FW eng. Agile and Open Source Advocate. Tech PM. Portland OR. Progressive views are my own. 😄
#beekeeping #pacificcresttrail #3Dprinting #writing #SciFi #fantasy #SpeculativeFiction

raphaelofas2 @raphaelofas2@universeodon.com

paul vixie @mibh@fosstodon.org

did some things about anti-spam, internet exchanges, open source software, dns, and internet security. at aws security as of 2022.

best you not try to follow me until you have a profile that i can evaluate. the trolls who wreck things are on their way, and some will arrive in the fediverse under cover of expansion. don't look like them.

Lorry @Lorry@mstdn.social

I've been leading online policy & enforcement for nearly 40 years. I just finished as head of Safety and Advocacy for OkCupid after 9 years with Match Group where I also worked in T&S, data governance, legal compliance, DEI, realistic wellness, and ethics.

Sadly, I am not allowed to say why I quit.

First article I wrote online that still exists: 1988
Oldest email address I use daily: 1989
First Phrack hate: 1991 (Phrack 35)
Oldest domain name: 1992
First academic paper on social media: 1992

Rob Lazzurs @lazzurs@tech.lgbt

Was-kid internet geek now crying digital tears at what the beautiful system I grew up in has become. Hiding in the middle of nowhere until existence blows over.

John Looney @bigvalen@mastodon.ie

Current Reddit Infrastructure,
Ex Google/Facebook Site Reliability type.
Loves history, anthropology, learning.
Laughs at cryptocurrencies.
Makes stupid things.