Joshua Byrd

Open on

Software developer.
Data journalist.
Code and stories for ABC News Story Lab.
Sometimes musician/actor.
Husband and father.
Animal lover.
(admin for with @ash)
// alt account @josh //
ding the little bell for realtime updates and add a profile pic if you want a followback and if you can't respond with empathy, you will be blocked, sorry but I don't have time for that



Geek barbu, avide de bière et de data. programmation et parentalité fonctionnelle. il/lui
Bearded geek, longing for beer and data. functionnal programming and parentiong. He / him

avatar : by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0

ryan wolf

hopeful and mad about it. he/him, 35, pittsburgh. member of CWA Local 9009, works at google, views are my own.

"hygge blofeld over here" -