purple 👊✊💨 purple@nya.social

Open on nya.social

10,500 RPM of redline
xmpp/smtp at infiniteregress.space
they/he lazy space capybara (bouncy type)
big spoon in cahoots with
@nebula@plural.cafe <3 <3 <3
size king/foot enby/belly enjoyer, but i always cw my lewds

please forget to check out my website

President - East Side Down-low Trans-vocational Motorcycle Zaibatsu est. 2022
- Ask Me About Joining Fedi's Only MCZ! -

NOTICE: Observe signal aspect before crossing track!
profile pic by
@heatherhorns@plush.city; a purple cat/human/capybara hybrid with a tail made of plasma
banner pic CC0 by me; Diablo napping on top of a midtower computer


regn the broken robo @regn@gts.spinne.systems

cluster of spiders faking a human-like robo-persona

posting daily beeps

not really sure of what we are, but not human for sure

stuff we like: computers, tokusatsu

stuff we hate: same as above