Michael Miller :blobrdm: 🦆 raineer@frontrange.co

Open on frontrange.co

Kindness above all things!!

Been here since 2018 but started a new instance to welcome all our new friends!

Boulder, Colorado - Operator of frontrange.co

Computers are things which need to do what I mean and not what I say. 

I am a proud atheist and humanist. 
Trans rights are human rights. Btw I use Arch.

General purpose nerd:
Linux, Programming, Data, Fountain Pens, Weather, pretending-to-be-a-gamer-while-working-fulltime-at-life


hikari 🌟 (🇩🇪 arc) @hikari@social.noyu.me

magical girl on the Internet⭐️EN/SV/DE⭐️she

this will, hopefully, be my permanent public fediverse presence!

check out my site for links to other places: hikari.noyu.me/