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Here to make friends and extend interactions to real life. Supports #MUFC and watches #NBA as a casual. I write some code in #webdev, #Go, #Python and bits of #Rust, #C. Cats are good friends. I browse a lot and toot a few.

I want to encourage people to use software that gives them freedom to do anything with it but turns out its difficult.

he/him/his. UTC+5:30. 🇮🇳. #nobot


R. L. Dane :Debian:

Checking out this alpha instance of GtS

I still love #fosstodon, but man, I can't say no to huuuuge post size limits ;)

Imported profile from fosstodon:

Involuntary time-traveler, recipient of offensive grace. Quasi-technical Linux and FOSS enthusiast. Armchair privacy advocate

Profile pic courtesy of neofetch:

Header image courtesy of NASA:

My #interests:

