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Hello! I'm a programmer that runs a SaaS business, I love surfing every day there are waves, I have a wonderful fiance that I'm head over heels in love with, I volunteer to get disabled kids in the water to experience surfing, I believe in helping, and I'm greatful for every single day I get on this earth.

I browse here using the Tusky android app and a self hosted instance of GoToSocial.

I mostly just read news here and don't post much.


Sir Rochard 'Dock' Bunson


Be excellent to each other.

Except for #Fascists. They can get fucked.

If you aren't a #Nazi but I annoy you, you can mute my #Boosts

"Help grow your #local #bee & #Butterflies polulation"

Make Punching Nazis Cool Again


"The Resistance Will Be Federated"

🙏 Take my Stuff (Original posts CC-BY-SA 4.0)



Also at @SrRochardBunson on #Calckey

No TERFs or astroturf

“especially a female” 🌴🥥

Crim Law Prof, Tribal Court Judge, Santa Fe, NM USA
I’m more into Sincere Intelligence