Timothée Ravier siosm@floss.social

Open on floss.social

CoreOS engineer at Red Hat :redhat:, Fedora Silverblue :silverblue: and Fedora Kinoite maintainer :Kinoite:, KDE developer :kde: and KDE Apps maintainer on Flathub :flatpak:.

Mostly boosts about security, systemd, :linux:, :rust:, :golang:, :androidalt:, :fedora:, :redhat:, :kde:, :plasma:, :gnome:, :k8s:, :flatpak:, :Kinoite:, :silverblue:, and some French politics.

Searchable via tootfinder (https://tootfinder.ch/).


Fabio Alessandro "Fale" Locati @fale@gts.fale.io

EMEA Associate Principal Solutions Architect at Red Hat, published author, public speaker, Open Source contributot

Lukáš Tyrychtr @tyrylu@gts.trycht.cz

A visually impaired programmer trying to improve accessibility of Gnome as much as he can.
And, yes, a guy who likes science fiction and going about with friends.