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I'm just this guy, you know?


Bob Shepherd

Nowadays you can't be too sentimental

YvesHanoulle 🏳️‍🌈 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

#feminist | anti-racist | Creative #collaboration agent | #FirstFollower | #Firestarter | #community | #PairCoaching | #CoderDojo | #agile not Agile | #devops | 
#TDD |#NeuroTypical | Always Sharing Knowledge | Frequent Asking Questions | Word #Game: |
 Writes #books on #leanpub & #amazon
 YouTube #WhoIsagile
 | Writes in English, Dutch
 | Comprends le français | 
Вивчає українську мову через #Duolingo

Andrew (he/him)

generic white male

Level 43 Human


Southerner living in San Francisco

Kevin Pfefferle

Code writer. Software creator. Ember specialist. Ski instructor. Musician. Always a beginner at something. Atheist. he/him/his


An IT guy who loves to do stuff and attempt to code. I also love EDM. Growing Christian, and trying to be a better person.

I would like to think I am into decentralized social media and communication. Things like Mastodon, Matrix and Element, Jitsi, and such.

Also very much into Linux on any device


Problem solver. Accidentally insightful. Infovore. System Thinker. Arguably human. Self-spoken.


Husband. Father. A laboratory mouse involved in an elaborate scheme to take over the Earth—Ceph, Ubuntu Server, AWS. Cloud and Linux with a dab of Open Hardware.

Bob O'Shaughnessy

Columbus (not ‘cbus’), photos, art, cars, soccer, science, music and tech. #Crew96 #MastodonFC

Les Orchard

he / him; semi-hermit in PDX, USA; tinkerer; old adhd cat dad; serial enthusiast; editor-at-large for; astra mortemque superare gradatim; tootfinder

Chris Aldrich

Educator, reader, inveterate note taker, biomedical engineer (he/him)

#IndieWeb, #education, #ToolsForThought, #NoteTaking, #InformationTheory, #math, #complexity, #journalism, #mnemotechny, #economics, #history, #orality, #anthropology, #OER, #fedi22

Tyler Robertson

I love to build small but useful things, write, and make weird art for weirdos.

Kevin Pfefferle

Code writer. Software creator. #EmberJS specialist. Ski instructor. Musician. Always a beginner at something, currently dabbling in #Swift #SwiftUI #iOS. Atheist. he/him/his