Soren Mogensen

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New Scot / Dane. Father of 2. Pro independence. SNP. Software/DevOps engineer. Atheist. Humanist. Coffee drinker (filter, black, no sugar).

Would love to bake more, but somehow don't find the time. Guess I'm lazy.

Where did all the time go? I don't read as much as I used to and would like to. Guess there is a downside to having kids (although heavily outweighed by the upsides).

#ScottishIndependence #IndyRef2 #Linux #DevOps #Coffee #Politics #AntiBrexit


Dave Robinson

I'm a software engineer working in cyber security, and an alumnus of the University of Birmingham, Mathematics & Computer Science (back in the 1980s). I love the Celtic fringe but live in the English midlands. I'll always boost a good landscape photograph, and I like a calm, reasoned argument.

I'm left of centre, interested in UK/EU/US politics. #FBPE #FBPPA #FBPPR but only if you have an interesting bio.

I like messing around with computers and networks, and technology in general. This little corner of the Fediverse lives behind my sofa, and no, it's not Mastodon. #GoToSocial