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This is the Mastodon/GoToSocial profile of The Liberated Edge. Here we discuss self hosting, technology, open source (everything), software engineering, and digital liberation.


Santiago Lema :amiga:

:xcode: iOS app developer at :smalltech: with interests in:

- :procreate: arts
- :amiga: :apple_inc: :commodore: retro computing
- :homeassistant: home automation
- :rpi: :arduino: RaspberryPi & small electronics

Usually somewhere between Rio de Janeiro and Switzerland.

Filiado a ala Suíça 🇨🇭 da Ursal 🐻
or as some say :fcknzs:.

Languages ✍️ : FR 🇫🇷, PT 🇧🇷, ES 🇪🇸, EN 🇬🇧

I am / was @blackjack75 on :deadbirb: Twitter


Ex-Mothertrucker auf dem Weg zur #Codeschubse.
Das hier ist @walsonde⁠s super-seriöslicher Account für alle IT-bezogenen Themen.

#php #Laravel #Backpack :idle:


Nerd Girl!

Just a nerd girl who loves to explore the world and constantly has too many projects on her plate.

My geek interests are all over the map...

#3Dprinting #Linux #HomeAutomation #HomeAssistant #Kicad #pcbs #HomeLabs #Grafana #Prometheus #Elasticsearch #Kubernetes #pfSense #GirlsWhoCode #Lego #SteamDeck #Gamer #RPG #HamRadio #Fishing #Hiking

Jürgen | 🇦🇹🏳️‍🌈

Cloud / Software Engineer | #3dprinting (Ender 3 v2) | #photography (EOS R6) | #selfhosting | in love with a Red Panda 🏳️‍🌈 | #twittermigration

Avery Winters

I accept follow requests from humans.

Posts contain my opinions and are licensed CC BY-ND 4.0 unless otherwise noted.


I'm a technologist for #localgov during the day. A transformation enthusiast moving things forward to make residents and staffs lives better.

Bipolar, married and dad of 3, watching #movies, #scifi and love #goodfood and #coffee.

#smarthome, #nfc, #uvprinting #lego, #modelrailways, actual railways geek.

Constantly learning, technology (#3Dprinting, #drones, #selfhosting, #homeasistant, #photography, #drones, #infosec) and socially, to be a better ally to those who aren't as fortunate as me.


FOSS geek, digital rights advocate, mental illness advocate, caretaker, sysadmin, programmer, RPG enthusiast, coffee lover. #BlackLivesMatter


I'm neurodivergent - mainly autism.

I have schizoaffective disorder (depressive type), OCD, and C-PTSD.


#FreeSoftware #Privacy #SelfHosting #P2P

privileged cis white abled hetero male

#Innsbruck #Austria

Lars Chr.

Martial Artists, Aikido-ka, Dojo Cho, and Coffee Enthusiast, Linux Desktop user, and avid Emacs'er.

I build software systems in the health care space for a living. Primarily focused on deployment of software product onto various cloud and on-premise installations. Ansible, Salt Stack, Go, Kubernetes, Rust and more.

Trying to avoid complexity until required.


:alpine: :linux: :opensource: :docker: :windows: :dotnet:

System Administrator · Developer

#OpenSource · #Docker · #Unbound · #PiHole · #Csharp · #Linux · #Windows · #Cats · #Animals · #Plants · #Nature · #Music · #Anime · #Mimiko

"We are all one. People are interconnected by invisible forces. Although we have the freedom to think and act, we stick together, like stars on the heavenly arc, with unbreakable connections. These connections cannot be seen, but we can feel them"
― Nikola Tesla


Bi :flag_bisexual: (he/him)
#vancouver , #canada
Backend developer

I self -host a bunch of services for fun using #docker and #kubernetes . #plex #jellyfin #photoprism #minecraft #pihole included.

I also enjoy #programming . Professionally familiar with C# and #javascript / #typescript , but in my spare time I dabble in #gamedev using #unity #godot #blender and #krita

I have recently been enjoying #vr and am pretty into #beatsaber right now.



Astonishingly handsome freelance writer and editor.

Allergic to cats |
