Milf Van Den Bos

Open on

It's me tobi! :skullpat:

Queer, nerdy, trans, aficionado of the bizarre and the grotesque. I'm in my mid-late 30's and I'm tired. I like books and 90s action films and putting bugs in the code.

I'll mostly be using this account for posting nonsense that comes into my head, and delighting in goblinesque shenanigans.

I'll likely also post / boost some queer naked sexy stuff so ya know, be an adult and stuff.

Follow requests are welcome if you're cool and we've interacted in some way before. Knob heads get blocked though, I am very block happy!

Also, I block folks who post un-CW'd doom politics, and unfollow people who boost such things, because really, come on, catch a grip.



yourface, new titless flavour

queer in pretty much all the ways
local dildo-flinger who flings sex toys and gender affirming gear
very into therapy atm
a little bit of a dweeb
i curse quite a bit
flirting is cool

tomboy transfem resplendent


generally confused

My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see

#NoBot #NoBots

yin yang yoink

Programmer / game writer from Kemerovo, Russia. I also make cosplay & rock festivals.

(shlep shlep frrr)

#webdev #gamedev

(it comes)


Rust nerd, a bit too into reading political and legal news, and a general dislike of autobiography.

The gentle klingon

Age 30+, Pronouns he/him, Planet Qo'noS.

Header: Starship Enterprise zooms through space. Profile: A curious little yellow emoji blob against a black background.

Follow requests welcome! Locked to stop bots. Joined July 30, 2019. #nobot #nosearch

lee :Fire_Trans:

I do computers for work (k8s, devOps, accessibility) and any crafts I can get my gay lil hands on (knitting, stamp carving, bookbinding are some favorites right now). big fan of birds.

if you ever want any of my art just ask! commissions for custom work are also an option.

AuDHD, white, queer/trans/nonbinary

boosting/posting images with good alt text; if I fail to do so you're welcome to remind me

generally will follow back, please have a real human bio

previously @inherentlee


.net dev | hacking things | 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

Sammy 🐾

Hi, I'm Sammy!

nonbinary lesbian, demi-{girl,sexual,romantic}
:symbol_otherkin: :anarchy: :trans_furr_white: :vegan: :heart_nb:

I like lots of stuff, like coding, admin work, sewing, spending a bunch of time in nice secluded parts of nature, cats (especially cats), and so much more

Feel free to request a follow, but please have a bio and/or Introduction post and have made some posts already. If you're new and think I might know you from another place, please DM.



Alt account turning into main. Started as test to selfhost Mastodon, now the place I prefer to hangout. To stupid to be a nerd, to kool to be a geek. So basically both. Will scrape your music toots.
Posts Older than 6 Months will be deleted.

Verwerpt de tirannie van d/t


Very queer (relationship) anarchist tech worker who also has interests that don't involve their work.

You can read my blog posts on, if that sounds like your jam.

I am somewhat selective in which follow requests I accept, please have at least a bio or be mutuals with someone I know before sending a request.

Pronouns: they/them, she/her or nin/nins

Image descriptions:
Profile picture: A Sims 4 character with pink and purple hair taking a selfie in front of a progress pride flag.
Header image: A Gracht in Amsterdam during the evening. There's multiple sight seeing boats visible. The picture is heavily edited to give the water a beautiful blue tint and boost the effect the street lights have on their surroundings.

EdenDestroyer (He/Him)

cishet, OC(P?)D, some NPD-traits

Trans Rights are Human Rights

My reblogs represent what I want people to talk about, they may not always be absolute endorsements.

Anarcho-syndicalism (Ally)

Consensus-Democratic Socialism (Interest)

learning feminism and anti-ableism (de-abusing myself)

Not the best CW-er, i try. I rant about YT sometimes. I wont coddle religious morality (fascism), or religion in general.

Neo-liberals fuck off

Slava Ukraini!


#NoIndex #NoBot