Lukáš Tyrychtr

Open on

A visually impaired programmer trying to improve accessibility of Gnome as much as he can.
And, yes, a guy who likes science fiction and going about with friends.



Hi, i'm Ciopor


Geek. Does MQTT/IoT by day (Eclipse Amlen). Views definitely my own.

Sebastian Fritz

With this instance I'm trying things out to learn more about maintaining an instance and the fediverse.
Worked as excavation driver in #demolition
Learned BMW service technician, added master mechanic.
Worked in consumer protection, ended in private cloud business as an #openshift / #kubernetes engineer.
Chaotic, minimalistic, I'm nothing without my family and friends.
<a rel="me" href="">

Jussi Kukkonen

Open source & software supply chain security. maintainer

Maksym Hazevych


Benjamin Altpeter

Data protection activist and co-chairman of e. V. (@datenanfragende). Excited about open source and IT security. Studied CompSci at TU Braunschweig.

I started my first website at the age of nine, and got interested in programming at around the same time. Since then, I have been fascinated with both making and breaking software. Also, I hate computers. (he/him)

Legal notice:

Cameron Cundiff

software engineer and artist. #accessibility #a11y


Portland, OR. 1312. Exiled from Twitter before it was cool. I was there at the dawning of the Third Age of Free Software.

Oldman Stu

Nils Ballmann

Sascha Frinken 🐾

Owner of SAFRI.NET GmbH. Developer (Java, Groovy, Python, PHP…)

Lukáš Kotek

Senior Software Quality Engineer at Red Hat. Fedora Linux and Python enthusiast.