Lukáš Tyrychtr

Open on

A visually impaired programmer trying to improve accessibility of Gnome as much as he can.
And, yes, a guy who likes science fiction and going about with friends.


Louis (iel)

Je suis aveugle de naissance et non binaire (pronom iel); je m'intéresse à tout; cependant j'ai des intérêts marqués pour l'informatique, l'accessibilité, la radio, et bien plus!

Brian Reading

Houston-based software engineer, Linux enthusiast, Red Hat fan, Fedora and GNOME user

#houston, #texas, #softwaredevelopment, #linux, #redhat, #fedora, #GNOME #linuxphones


Linux | emacs | ergo keebs | colemak-dh | rust things | fantastical stories about elves and dwarves | science and engineering

Felipe Kinoshita

Contributing to #GNOME in my free time.

Working on small and focused apps so I can accomplish something in life.

I also like game development and design as well as linguistics and urbanism.

Julian Fietkau

Human-computer interaction, computer science & programming, home server & self-hosting, games and other fun stuff.

He/him. Posting mostly in English, but you might see the occasional German boost.

Chris Snazell

beard wearin', buckle swashin' engineer

Ryan Mann

I am an assistive technology instructor at the Conklin Davis Center in Daytona, FL. In my free time,,, I like dabbling in programming languages, swimming, listening to music, reading audio books and hanging out with friends.

RePop :v3:

Martin B.

Slovák s českým občianstvom žijúci v Brne. Otec, IT-čkár, občasný hráč počítačových hier a volejbalu. Tykaj mi, budem ti tiež tykať.


Jan <3

Wie ein Roboter von 1984 🫶
🎓 TU Braunschweig
Love skating, music, unix, my wonderful girlfriend and programming :blobcatsip:
:gopher: :php: :laravel: :typescript: :vue: :ferris:
