Lukáš Tyrychtr

Open on

A visually impaired programmer trying to improve accessibility of Gnome as much as he can.
And, yes, a guy who likes science fiction and going about with friends.



Your linux desktop witch. 🪄

Working at system76 on Pop!_OS. 
Programming, Rust 🦀, Games 🎮, 🤷‍♀️
Catgirl? I can neither deny nor confirm that. 🙀

:heart_trans: :lesbian_heart: :heart_polyam: Be Gay, Do Crimes

If you wanna follow me, put something in your bio or write an introduction!

Paweł Masarczyk

Somewhere between podcasting, accessibility testing, travelling and tweeting in Braille. #a11y #Android #iOS #music #languages pol/eng

Miek Gieben - DNS, LEGO and Gopher


Admin of - Infosec curious, automation enthusiast. Former Ubuntu and Kubernetes contributor. #nobot

Random follow requests with no context (eg never interacted before) will be rejected.

Julian Hofer

Numerical software engineer by 🏙️
GNOME developer by 🌃
Likes to hack with Python, but prefers to build with Rust.

David Goldfield

Pro-life, practicing Catholic. Over 30 years of service in the assistive technology field. Visually impaired, born Jewish and was received into the Catholic church in 2007. Hobbies include learning about, using and assisting others with assistive technology, reading and watching SF and learning more about my faith. JAWS user since v1.0, NVDA user since 2009. Expect to see posts from this account on technology, puns and Babylon 5.

Real Social Networks

Gateway to the real social media

Lovingly, handwritten reposts from the dark side of the force ...oops.... Social media


Tor zu den wirklich sozialen Medien

Liebevoll, handgeschriebene Reposts von der dunklen Seite der Macht ...oops... Social Media

…might work for coffee…

Arvydas Ramanauskas

Daimar Stein :molotov:

24 anos, comunista :comunista:, linuxeiro 🐧, PT-BR 🇧🇷 / EN 🇺🇸

Baiano, designer gráfico e editor de vídeo, membro da equipe de marketing do @fedora, graduando em Comunicação Social, além de revoltado com tudo e todos ao mesmo tempo em todo lugar.

Dan Yeaw

Functional Safety, MBSE, and Python. I lead Functional Safety at @ford
and I maintain @modelwithgaphor.

Robin Burchell

nationality-confused hacker, and #Linux lover. I have a love/hate relationship with #C++, but everything else is worse. :-)

formerly w00teh on the birdsite