uoou uoou@mstdn.social

Open on mstdn.social

Hello, I'm Drew. I make mediocre things in bash and talk about free software stuff on videos and podcasts sometimes.

I'm interested in the human, amateur & home-made side of life. Making and sharing things is *goooood*.

Also :communism:

Pronouns: any


Draisinen Dieter @draisinen_dieter@tristram.uber.space

Doing tech things and tabletop games. Libre Software/Culture enthusiast. He/Him

wing @wing@social.feather.onl

is wing
i like linux/open source stuff, birds, music and animation

ozoned @ozoned@social.ozoned.net

Father of 2; husband; FOSS lover and willing teacher; absolutely cynical. In that order.

Ex-Unix admin.
Ex-Red Hatter focused on supporting services such as systemd, dbus, rsyslog, secvuln, openssh, etc.
Currently IT Unix performance admin.

Livestream: https://stream.ozoned.net

Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/@ozoned:matrix.org