lawa pi ijo kiwen selo

Open on

Main: 🔞
One admin of Hostage of the @dawn. We tend to the garden attached to the dollhouse, and its arthropod residents. Always using the Royal We.

Watch your step.

DM me a ✨ emoji if you follow request.

#EmptySpaces #MicroFiction #FaeBullshit


:swordhalo: ijo pi sewi suno :witchhat:

the doll that holds the key; the witch that speaks the door into the world; the angel who steps through it. @viscountexx's kidnapper

#EmptySpaces #NotAPerson

(traumaqueer witchery and kink content. heed CWs and take care of your mental health. i am an admin of this instance but am not speaking as one here.)

arc cloud

sometimes a bunny angel (in the way that a transmission tower is an angel), sometimes a serval demon, and sometimes just a dog

periodic #emptyspaces posting


not a person

contains multitudes | DID System

18+ only

sunny Ske-lil-ton ☀️

Ex-Student. (Theoretical) Computer Science. AD(H)D. Queer. Cuddly. Polyam. Ex-KIFfel? White. Some kind of non-binary/genderqueer.
(Toots mostly in German)

vx. kit redgrave ✅🍬

frizzy nerd & creature of the matrix, but sometimes goes outside too

slightly evil synthetic magical genderfluid vixen, she/they

first boot in 1990

warning: this is rapidly evolving research software

gnu natalie nguyen, sophia butler, and all our other siblings, who we've perhaps never met and now won't ever 🕯️

avatar by @drawcat

packbat is a social construct

xey/xem/xyr, ze/zir, she, themselves. w.e mod. creative alt @Packbat

Unemployed traumatized millennial, light-skinned Black endogenic plural system, USian anarchist. Posts signed with emoji for author + status/mood. We try to be thoughtful & kind.

Not everything we post/boost is appropriate for minors; read the CWs.

And if we aren't already acquainted, please @ us with any follow request.

usericon: A copper dragon with dreadlocks playing a small MIDI keyboard.


gendermessy queer system of who knows how many. we're trying to compile a reasonably usable list of at least our names and pronouns, and it is not working

not gone, just really bad at logging in

yes, we're an adult


Hi! I'm the caretaker of the Empty Doll House. Please message me here or email me at for any issues!

Image c/o hanabii__ via Header c/o mildmayfoxe.


Socialist, trans woman, programmer. 33.

maria :heart_clockwork:

⚠️follow requests: interact in some way⚠️

extended bio:

This is our only active account. any others are not us unless said otherwise here.

ENG (Good)
Toki Pona (beginner)
Japanese (actively learning)

white (always unlearning as best as we can), pansexual, polyamorus, immensely neurodivirgent

The Rosebud Family is a strange group consisting of dolls and other non-human things and creatures. Their collective vessel is 20 years old.

- A sleepy, unhinged, timid doll (Mari Akira Rose, it/its, age regressor (trauma/stress coping), "battle princess", "Magnetic Resonance Insect", fictive(?))
- A sleepy witch mom (Saki Rose, she/her, "Head Caretaker")
- A smol demon (Alice Rose, she/her, "big sister")
- A beetle familiar ( :bestbeetle: , Kiniro, any pronouns)

members are generally around body age

we occasionally talk about lewd things (and Empty Spaces even moreso) so dont interact with those posts unless 18+. sometimes we forget to cw/cw incorrectly, do let us know if we slip up.

pfp: Saya from DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou, a pink twin tail haired robot girl. i put a beetle plush on top of her head

banner: Boss Warning from Ikaruga by Treasure, reading "WARNING. The big enemy is approaching at full throttle. According to the data it is identified as Butsutekkai. NO REFUGE."



trying to figure out what the heck I’m into, and exploring kink and sexuality.

[I've been re-evaluating my relationship with social media, so posts will be few and far between]

I typically only boost posts with alt text, and am still feeling out my boundaries with how people interact with me, but in future this part of my bio will say more about that. I hide boost/favourite numbers, and don’t get notified about either.

pronouns: he/him or any I’ve told you elsewhere

Alice Redgrave

quiet alt for @KitRedgrave (new home tbd), to better follow people we actually have met in person or talk to on a semi-regular basis.

this is where we will be more open about things like mental health, squishy and lewd feelings, and other things we feel like we can't comfortably talk about with a larger audience. we will try to cw them but are inconsistent, so you have been warned.

bloodsucking whore

he/him or they/them pronouns for everyone.

we don't put names of any kind online, so you'll have to make up your own for us :)

irl we're a Jewish and ndn community organizer on the unceded land of the council of the three fires. online we're silly :P