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I am a teenager (he/him.) I like difficult algebra-level math, quantum physics, and coding. This is the first online social network I have joined.

I will, generally, accept follow requests if the person asking has a post history, icon, and bio.



I am a teenager (he/him). This is my first social networking experience.

Keith (karmajunkie)

Software engineer in Austin TX (working mainly in Elixir, formerly Ruby). Married, 2.5 kids, dog and a cat.

You may see me around elsewhere on the net under the handle karmajunkie. I'm also the admin and founder of this instance.

I started to have an instance for #austin and people who like being in Austin, including our neighbors in Central TX.

Math You Lie On

Artist / Musician / Programmer / Malcontent >> Wild Engineer / Interactivity Rogue / Semantic Cleric

I try to talk about artistic and technological things from a humanistic perspective.

Also have ADHD/Myopia/Hearing Loss/Sensory Processing Disorder/Alopecia, which have interacted in interesting ways, and caused a lot of trauma, mixed w/ trauma from bullying & intergenerational family issues. I try to talk about these from an advocacy standpoint.

tech? no! man, see...

tryin' to catch the last train out of Omelas

Matthew Lyon

Artist / Musician / Hacker / Malcontent

I have a late diagnosis for ADHD & CPTSD, work in software doing what I’m going to call “semantic ergonomic interface engineering design”, and am artistically preoccupied with cycles of pattern-making and decay

Profile photo is a digital painting self-portrait

Banner photo is a railroad car with a lot of grafitti, sitting among overgrown grass, between a road and a forest. I took this photo and use it to talk about how visual processing works

Alex ☕🇨🇦

I love making short games and loops. My go-to engine is Löve2d (with Fennel of course) and my preferred DAW is Reaper. Currently I'm testing the waters with Godot.