Tory Lies

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Archiving Tory (Conservative Party in UK) corruption, dishonesty, lies and their quiet coup on their journey to an authoritian United Kingdom

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Apple & Google Block Tory Government's Covid-19 App Update over Privacy Breaches

Having the Tory government's Track-and-Trace app blocked by Google & Apple is not unlike Satan telling a mass murder that, "That was well over the top. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Virus Hotspots Could Lead to Third Covid Wave in UK, Scientists Warn

Boris Johnson dropping pledge to ‘follow data not dates’ - Again Boris is not following science while, at the same time, lying by telling us he is.

Tory Brexit has Threatened the Peace in Northern Ireland

Molotov cocktails and barricades have returned to Northern Ireland. But Brexit is the new reason why the situation has reached the boiling point in what had been an era of peace.

Northern Ireland: “Dishonesty” over Brexit had Fuelled Resentment, Says Justice Minister, Naomi Lon

“These are scenes we haven’t seen in Northern Ireland for a very long time, they are scenes that many people thought were consigned to history and I think there needs to be a collective effort to try to defuse tension” - Ireland’s foreign minister says

Tory Government Forces English Councils to Dump Huge, Extra Care Bills to Disabled & Mentally Ill Adults

Tory's national underfunding of Social Care result in some working-age adults with little more than £3 a day to spend

UK Retailers Join Pubs and Clubs in Rejecting Covid-status Certificates

Tory government warned that checking documents at the door will not work.

UK Public Health Expert Criticises No 10 Race Report ‘Shortcomings’

Sir Michael Marmot says racial disparities report underplays impact of structural racism in health outcomes

Open Rights Group demands Home Office transparency on end-to-end encryption

UK's Tory controlled Home Office is allegedly considering measures which treats all people as criminals by breaking encryption on messaging apps for starters.

Police and Crime Bill will Create Toxic Legacy

Banning protest would make us more like Putin’s Russia than the UK. It would be a lasting and toxic legacy for Boris Johnson.

Tories Delete the Truth on London School of Economics British Politics and Policy Website

Blog Post Deleted After Tory Government Adviser Admits Scotland can Thrive After Independence

How Scotland’s been Tricked into Thinking it’s too Poor

How Scotland’s been Tricked into Thinking it’s too Poor

Tory Government ‘Skewing Evidence’ To Justify Dropping Masks in Schools

Reports on leaked emails which suggest that the Department for Education is cherry-picking evidence to weaken safety measures