Tory Lies

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Archiving Tory (Conservative Party in UK) corruption, dishonesty, lies and their quiet coup on their journey to an authoritian United Kingdom

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Boris Johnson ‘a Clown’ with no Diplomacy Skills, says Ex-deputy in Diaries

Ex-Foreign Office deputy PM mistakes regular headlines for political power

BBC of Fear of Casting Boris Johnson in a Bad Light

This story appears to have everything – sex, betrayal, abuse of power, lies told in high places – so, on the face of, it is somewhat surprising to find it covered only grudgingly, and at the margins of the BBC’s huge range of output.

No 10 Race Adviser Samuel Kasumu Resigns

Downing Street denies link to publication of controversial race report, but Lord Wooley says it was reaction to findings

Three-quarters say NHS has Dealt with Covid Better than Private Firms in Damning Poll

The survey found 75% think the NHS has been "more effective at handling the response" compared to just 9% who chose private firms

Brexit: 1/2 of Our Sales are Wiped Out - Silk Firm Joins Exodus to Europe

Brexit & Job Losses

Boris Johnson Plots Workers' Rights 'Wrecking Ball'

Fury is mounting as the 48-hour working week, rules on breaks and holiday pay look to be up for grabs after Brexit - despite Boris Johnson's promises

UK Not Testing on Levels of Toxic Chemicals in Tap Water

The UK government is not testing drinking water for a group of toxic manmade chemicals linked to a range of diseases