Dave Robinson dave@europhiles.uk

Open on europhiles.uk

I'm a software engineer working in cyber security, and an alumnus of the University of Birmingham, Mathematics & Computer Science (back in the 1980s). I love the Celtic fringe but live in the English midlands. I'll always boost a good landscape photograph, and I like a calm, reasoned argument.

I'm left of centre, interested in UK/EU/US politics. #FBPE #FBPPA #FBPPR but only if you have an interesting bio.

I like messing around with computers and networks, and technology in general. This little corner of the Fediverse lives behind my sofa, and no, it's not Mastodon. #GoToSocial


Dgar @dgar@aus.social

Real Name: Jon O’Hare
Stage Name: Dgar - pronounced “Jar”

#𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 liberally
#𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚝 often
#𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 the Fediverse

Glad you could make it.
You are one of the chosen ones.

May be seen posting: jokes, memes, politics, weird thoughts, music.

I’ll usually try to make you laugh.
I may also send you in another direction.
This account is not one dimensional.

A favourite/like from me simply means "Marked as read"


#Dgar #Dgarhead #Dgarheads

Fiona Grahame Orkney News Ltd @fionaorkneynews@mastodon.scot

Editor of The Orkney News community independent and free media

MaJ1 OLD @MaJ1@mastodonapp.uk

Aging ex mainframe storage manager, channel Marvin the Paranoid android, like cats, tech, open world games,nature . Very amateur scientist /astronomer / climatologist.
Wide musical tastes, scouse sense of humour.
Absolutely no time for peeps who believe in “alternative” facts.
Call me Tim if it’ll help :D

Avatar: A small furry mouse like creature with big furry ears. Peaking out of a hole in a tree
Banner: the spacecraft Heart of Gold. A training shoe shaped craft in the depths of space.

Walkers are Welcome @WalkersAreWelcome@mastodonapp.uk


Walkers are Welcome is a UK wide initiative launched in 2007 to be ‘welcoming to walkers’. We enable the development of over 100 accredited Towns and Villages members to assist with their communities’ economic, physical, health and mental well-being through walking.

Charlie Kruse @CharlieKruse@tribe.net

Born October 20 1950,I live in Cincinnati.I stand with Ukraine

Philip Kendall @pak21@mastodon.org.uk

ZX Spectrum geek, boardgamer. photographer and runner. Staff Engineer at Disney Streaming. Views here are personal. Also jorallan on Twitter.

Col @countcol@mastodonapp.uk

East Midlands, UK. Ex cop. Post humour, art and good stuff. My posts may not be totally original, I follow all views without endorsement. I block those who want arguments on here. LCFC.

Scott1984FP @Scott1984FP@mastodon.social

Sufferer Of #WristInstability / #CarpalInstability With Old #TFCC #TFC Tear/s,With: #MidCarpalInstability , & #RSD #CRPSNOS :/ :(


I'M OPEN & TALK ABOUT MY #MENTALHEALTH , #BPD / #EUPD With: #MDD / #MajorDepressiveDisorder Of Moderate To Severe Cycles ,& LIFE :)

I Am #Gay / #LGBT Family :)

I Was Born In 1984 & Gives My Age Every Year Too :)

Joined Mastodon In 25th-26th Of April 2022, Like Many I've Come From Twitter,As Not Sure About Elon

Baron Woke of Carlsberg @SteveJonesnono1@mastodon.green

Thought I'd try out a second home out of the clutches of the Elongated Muskrat.

MAMIL with a man-bun. He/him.

Politics, environment, cycling and veganism. Oh, and beer.

Enjoy gaming, although I haven't played anything other than Ori and Forza for the last two years.

Recovering Labour supporter now committed to supporting the Green Party.

I've also decided to share some of my (very) amateur photography. Please be kind!

Emeritus Prof Christopher May @ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us

Retired Professor of Political Economy
(Lancaster University, UK - retired 2021)
(also #ProfDJ across the Lune Valley)
Contributor: North West Bylines

Bee Collins @beecollins@mastodon.online

European via Yorkshire and Ireland. Interested in politics, social justice, education, literature, antiques and art. Oh, and Sheffield Wednesday! Can also be distracted by cats and Strictly...Teacher, ProEU, PR, Pro alliance #GTTO #NHS #Brexit #Labour #education #politics

Garry Walker @garrywalker@mastodon.london

I'm a web dev with an interest in Gaming, AI and art of all kinds.