Dave Robinson dave@europhiles.uk

Open on europhiles.uk

I'm a software engineer working in cyber security, and an alumnus of the University of Birmingham, Mathematics & Computer Science (back in the 1980s). I love the Celtic fringe but live in the English midlands. I'll always boost a good landscape photograph, and I like a calm, reasoned argument.

I'm left of centre, interested in UK/EU/US politics. #FBPE #FBPPA #FBPPR but only if you have an interesting bio.

I like messing around with computers and networks, and technology in general. This little corner of the Fediverse lives behind my sofa, and no, it's not Mastodon. #GoToSocial


DevaOnBreaches @DevaOnBreaches@infosec.exchange

Sharing insights on Data Breach Investigations, CyberSecurity, & Password Security • Helping people secure their online security through @XposedOrNot.

Mick Mildenhall @Mickmildenhall@mastodon.social

Howard Lane @howard@greennet.social

Money spider at GreenNet, dad, techyhubby, drummist

Denis Buckley @wellingtonrock@mastodon.social

Old, grumpy git. I don't eat Tofu, but am otherwise a fully paid up member of the 'Wokerati' so reviled by our Home Secretary.

I've been a student of Classical Guitar since retiring, and can now read music reasonably. I've played Acoustic Guitar, intermittently, for most of my adult life. I've also taken up the Mandolin in recent years. I'm studying Trad Irish and Bluegrass styles. And. Loving. It!
Just learning about hashtags... #fbpe #wokerati #ClassicalGuitar #Mandolin #MMT

Jna💚 @jna@mastodonapp.uk

Bread and roses. Bread and butter.

JanPV @JanPV@mastodon.social

Welsh-Polish grandchild of forced labour survivors of the Nazi regime. Politics and the rule of law. All else follows from there. Former microbiologist, now a surveyor and author on early 20th century commercial wireless and its industrial archaeology. I also fly.

Nettlecake 💙 @nettlecake@mastodon.green

Arty & techy in equal measure. Fond of #animals,#trees, #countryside, #food & #laughter. A bit political too. Teacher in a past life. Other relevant hashtags would include #art #tech #nature #green #birds #cats #dogs #environment #photography #food #fun #artistsmakers #politics

zander @zander@mastodonapp.uk

Tolerant of others by nature, however I can’t respect those that are intolerant. 
Admiration and respect for those who want to make the world a better place.
Love learning about the world we live in, its history, its present and its future.
Passionate about the countryside of the nations that make up the British Isles
Love relaxing with good beer and chatting with friends
Need to escape? Then it’s a walk with the dog, or curled up with a good book, or listening to music.

Steve Woods @wood5y@mastodonapp.uk

Semi-retired linguist and self-taught geek. Pro-EU, pro-open source. Undocumented naturalised Bristolian. Unapologetic left-winger and republican.

Alex Gallagher @AlexGallagher@mastodon.scot

Ex-Labour Councillor. Government can make a difference for the good or, as currently, ill.

Prefer people to flags.

David Thomas Jackson @DTJackson@mastodonapp.uk

European, music tutor, ageing green socialist
B.Mus(Lond) Cert.Ed(Goldsmiths') MSET
Wide-ranging interests

#FBPE #RejoinEU #ElectoralReform #NHSStrike #UCU #indie_SAGE #OxfordComma #JSBach

Nic Wistreich @nicol@social.coop

Digital governance, community/civic tech, indie-media and the funding/tech/etc that support it. Co-founded Netribution.co.uk in 1999, co-wrote 3 editions of fundyourfilm.com on indie film finance. CSS/UI/UX, CiviCRM, CMSs, digital gardening, VJing, doc making, film festivals, wannabe vegan, long train journeys.