Dave Robinson dave@europhiles.uk

Open on europhiles.uk

I'm a software engineer working in cyber security, and an alumnus of the University of Birmingham, Mathematics & Computer Science (back in the 1980s). I love the Celtic fringe but live in the English midlands. I'll always boost a good landscape photograph, and I like a calm, reasoned argument.

I'm left of centre, interested in UK/EU/US politics. #FBPE #FBPPA #FBPPR but only if you have an interesting bio.

I like messing around with computers and networks, and technology in general. This little corner of the Fediverse lives behind my sofa, and no, it's not Mastodon. #GoToSocial


Meldilorn @Meldilorn@toot.wales

Peatland & wetland restoration consultant who has laid aside his coring equipment and settled into a life of gardening in a sweet Welsh mountain paradise, and following the exploits of a whole set of interesting people on Mastodon. 
Meldilorn, as aficionados of CS Lewis will know, is an island at the junction of two of the canals of (fictional) Malacandra, also known to us as Mars.

Indy Richard 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 @IndyRichard@mastodon.scot

I want to live in a better, more democratic Scotland as part of the family of European nations.
Studied physics before 30+ years in finance. Yes I worked on mainframes.
Passionate about childhood cancer, photography and the Hibs.
#FBPE - follow back pro EU
#FBSI - follow back Scottish independence

Garth Vader @Garthvader@mastodonapp.uk

All round geek PC’s, Consoles , Gaming, Warhammer 40K, Tech, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Music. In fact I just don’t have enough time for all the hobbies I enjoy 😉

Brian Smith @BrianSmith950@mas.to

Retired layabout.
Likes are bookmarks,
Retweets mean I think it's worth reading, Not that I agree with it.


Andrew Harris @AndrewPHarris@mastodonapp.uk

Retired technologist/IT strategist
Love :-
Music from Paul Robeson to Skepta via Frank Zappa
Football "Blue is the colour, football is the game"
Reading wide variety of literature but with Sci-Fi as the cornerstone
Left of centre politics (well I think my views are pretty middle of the spectrum but the world has lurched so far to the right.....)

Kenny Kravitz @kennykravitz@mindly.social

Ella Nom De Plume @Pamela@mastodonapp.uk

Vegan Nature Lover

GhostOnTheHalfShell @GhostOnTheHalfShell@masto.ai

opinionated lurker of the intarwebs.

used to write code, still do. c/c++, java, php, js, c#, gdscript (godot), gnawed on sql, sparql
embedded, ios, mac, *nix, & windows billions of years ago.

tech, graphics, anything STEM
anything anthropology, history, linguistics
anything blender, gimp (although i scream using it), audacity
enjoys using feet/limbs
prefers not to be run over by cars

I drink Philz.

I do a video or so a week on yt.

Connor @Connor@mastodon.ie

Yvette Oswin @Hope4All@mastodon.sdf.org

Morals, Caring, Animals, Environment, Nature, Walking. Remainer 🇨🇵🇪🇺🇬🇧 Live in both UK and France. Britain is falling apart under Tories
#GTTO #Enough is Enough #NHS #RejoinEU #Brexit #BrexitLies #Environment #Tories #ToriesOut #Climate

Charles West @CharlesW@mastodon.scot

GP, musician, (ex) politician, hill-walker, Europhile and grandpa. Twitter handle was @West_GP

🍸Pooka🥕Boo🍸 @lednabwm@mstdn.party

Intense social & political critic proudly banned from LinkedIn, Twitter, mastodon.social, etc. for calling out wealthy, typically white, racist, reactionary, extremist, absolutist, nazi, authoritarian (left or right), monotheist, corporatist, and religio-fascism every time and everywhere possible.