Dave Robinson dave@europhiles.uk

Open on europhiles.uk

I'm a software engineer working in cyber security, and an alumnus of the University of Birmingham, Mathematics & Computer Science (back in the 1980s). I love the Celtic fringe but live in the English midlands. I'll always boost a good landscape photograph, and I like a calm, reasoned argument.

I'm left of centre, interested in UK/EU/US politics. #FBPE #FBPPA #FBPPR but only if you have an interesting bio.

I like messing around with computers and networks, and technology in general. This little corner of the Fediverse lives behind my sofa, and no, it's not Mastodon. #GoToSocial


Tom Pearce @tompearce49@mastodon.scot

Someone who is a "...dreamer of the day [...] acting my dreams with the open eyes", trying to act with kindness, generosity, gratitude and compassion. #LeftWing (really left wing) #environmentalist. Follower of the Stoics and guided by Zen Buddhism. There is no alternative to socially and environmentally conscious cooperation and collaboration. Also writing infrequently at www.tompearce.co.uk/wp Trying to make sense of childhood trauma, and maybe making slow headway (on better days).

Mark Holtom (aka Kingbeard) @MarkHoltom@mastodonapp.uk

Sofa Seditionary and Armchair Anarchist 🐟
Proud member of #AntiGrowthCoalition
Growth is good. I believe in (sustainable) growth - for eveyone.

HarryHolt1791 @HarryHolt1791@mastodonapp.uk

Harry Holt (1791-1844) #Pugilist, Publican, Fight Promoter & Reporter for the London Prize Ring once known as the 'Cicero of the Ring' #HarryHoltBiography #Prizefighter

Quotes from Lord #Chesterfield 's Letters (1774) & Francis #Grose 's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1788)(revised 1823)

Rik km @tsiolkovsky@infosec.exchange

#GeoCacher, #Cryptography wonk, hopeless #LockSport guy, #HamRadio chap (2E0YIB), sometime #InfoSec bod, occasional #Nudist and all round screw up. kthxbai!

Ben Thompson 🐕 @jbenjamint@mastodon.scot

Abrach. Working in youth justice - #CashBackForCommunities at Inspiring Scotland. Used to sit at a Bloomberg terminal. Highland Councillor for a while. Quite keen on all things outdoors, #cycling , active travel, og det norske språket.
Avatar shows a sketch of a man "lank and thin, looking at though he'd outgrown his strength in boyhood, and never summoned up pluck enough to recover it again."

H4Heights @H4Heights@mstdn.social

Not just pro-EU but keen on a Federal EU. I have unprintable thoughts about Tories and appear to be getting more left-wing with age. 
Into wine, photography and social justice - not necessarily in that order. 
Greatest fear is for the quality of life for our children who will have to live longer than I will through this dystopian hell-scape of a country and planet. I enjoy a laugh when opportunity affords.
#wine, #photography, #fbpe, #lgbt-ally #introduction

James Devine @james@friends.devinemarsa.com

I'm a very tall geek.

PappaC @PappaC@mastodonapp.uk

Justice, decency, no lies. Also, nice trees and landscapes.

Nigel Purchase @Nigel_Purchase@mstdn.social

Former fund manager and economist. Deeply alarmed by the climate crisis. Neo-liberalism has been catastrophic for our civilisation. I mostly follow back.

DevaOnBreaches @DevaOnBreaches@infosec.exchange

Sharing insights on Data Breach Investigations, CyberSecurity, & Password Security • Helping people secure their online security through @XposedOrNot.

Howard Lane @howard@greennet.social

Money spider at GreenNet, dad, techyhubby, drummist